How To Enema For Newcombers

For whatever your reason may be, you might have considered using an enema. An enema is when fluid gets injected into your bowel via the rectum. Perhaps you’d like to prepare for some anal play, or you’ve been backed up for over a week. There is a safe and effective way to an enema without harming yourself.


What are Enemas Used for?

You’re probably wondering why someone would like to have fluid injected into their anus. Well, the answer is simple, to poop. 

An enema stimulates stool evacuation. It’s a liquid suppository. The fluid runs up your bowl and brings all the feces down with it. They are generally used to relieve extreme constipation and clean the bowel and rectum. Women are often offered enemas when having a vaginal birth because we all know… You poop. 

Things to Keep in Mind


Always remember that, although enemas are useful. They can be dangerous if not done correctly. If the device is not inserted correctly, it could damage your colon, so be sure to take extra precautions. It’s also essential to use a clean device as it could cause infection if not cleaned thoroughly. It’s not recommended to do more than one enema every 24 hours or for more than three days in a row. Keep it limited to once a week, perhaps, to not weaken your bowel.  

Fluid Consideration

When doing an enema, it’s best to stick to store-bought saline. You might find it under 0.9% sodium chloride solution. About 2 cups will do. If you cannot buy saline, another alternative is to make the mixture at home. You’ll mix 4 cups of warm tap water (not hot) with 1.5 teaspoons of table salt. It is never recommended to use only water for an enema. 

What Should I Use?

To do an enema, you’ll need the perfect starter kit. 

Homemade kits are not recommended as they haven’t passed any of the safety tests a good enema kit would. 

✅ Medical grade Enema Kit (Should Use)

❌ Homemade kit (Should not Use)

In your medical-grade enema kit, you’ll find:

A bag or container:

This will be used to hold the solution. 

A tube or a nozzle:

The tube or nozzle will be inserted into your anus and attached to the bag or container. 

 The cleansing solution:

This will be the solution that runs into your anus and gets to work. 

What Will I Need to Start?

  • Enema Kit
  • Towel
  • Privacy
  • Clean Area
  • Lubricant
  • A timer
  • Area to Lie Down, preferably a bathroom. 

Get Ready and Start

Preparation for the enema: 

Step 1: You’ll need to lay some soft towels on the floor, preferably in your bathroom. You can roll one up and use it as a bolster. Be sure to keep other towels or washcloths nearby.

Step 2: Put your timer next to you. You could even use your phone. This is so that you can effectively time your enema.

Step 3: Remove the cap from the enema nozzle.

Step 4: Take the lubricant and lubricate your anus. Petroleum jelly works just fine too. 

Step 5: You’ll now need to lie down on the floor, on your left side. You’ll bend your right knee and place your rolled-up towel under it. You can reverse the instructions if you’re left-handed. 

Step 6: Use your dominant hand to insert the nozzle into your rectum. It might feel uncomfortable, but it won’t be painful. However, if you experience any pain, please consult your doctor immediately. 

Step 7: Once the nozzle is inserted, you’ll need to squeeze the enema container from top to bottom. This will allow all the liquid to flow out. Do this until the container has been emptied. 

Step 8: You can now slowly remove the nozzle.

Step 9: You’ll then set the alarm for 15 minutes while waiting for the time to pass. It is recommended that you lie in the same position as when you completed the enema. After that, you will move on to step 10.

Step 10: Once the time has passed, get up and use the toilet. It’s recommended that you stay close to the bathroom for the next hour. After that, you might need it several more times. 

Clean me Out

First-time enema users may find the task slightly daunting or may even feel a bit disgusted by it. However, by following a few simple steps, you will successfully complete an enema and enjoy pleasurable sex without worrying about a mess on the covers.

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