You Are A Straight Man That Likes To Be Pegged: How To Talk To Your Partner

For years, pegging has been an interest and fantasy for many straight men, but it has surely been a taboo subject, and not something that would be discussed with their friends at a bar.

Many straight men enjoy a good pegging session, as it does not only bring excitement to the bedroom but give a whole new range of sexual feelings. 

The display of dominance from their partner during the act is also a powerful aphrodisiac for some straight men; as they are often placed in a box when it comes to sexuality and acts of intimacy. 

What Exactly is Pegging?

Pegging is a very pleasurable act of intimacy, where anal stimulation is performed on a man with the use of a strap-on dildo or pegger. This act can be just as pleasurable and exciting for women, as it is for men.

Why Do Straight Men Like Being Pegged?

This is a question generally asked by women during a conversation about pegging. 

There are many reasons why a straight man would enjoy a good pegging session, and no, it’s not because they’re secretly homosexual. 

Enjoyable sex does not necessarily mean that the man should be the penetrator and the woman the penetrated, even if that is a common belief.

The male “G-spot” can be found, you guessed it, in the anus. Pegging is a very stimulating act, making the experience euphoric for men.

Another reason men enjoy being pegged is because of the power dynamic shift. Men are often judged when they don’t display the dominance that society demands. Pegging gives men the chance to be submissive during sex, and for many straight men, watching their partner display dominance whilst exploring sexual fantasies is a huge turn-on.

Bringing Up the Subject: Do’s and Don’ts 


  • Bring it up during sex: It’s not the time. When bringing up the subject of pegging, wait until you and your partner are outside the bedroom in a safe and comfortable environment. 
  • Be forceful: If your partner shows discomfort or says no, respect their boundaries. Don’t bring up previous sexual acts you’ve done for them. You don’t want to guilt them into doing something they’re not comfortable with. Remember, consent is very important. 
  • Be pushy if she needs time to think: You’ll most definitely be excited when your partner says they’re open to the discussion, but don’t push them for an answer right away. Your partner would probably need to do some research on the subject and pushing them for an answer right away could cause them to hastily do research resulting in misinformation and causing them to say no, without really knowing what they need to know. 


  • Pay attention to time and place: It is very important that you be sure to bring up the subject when your partner is relaxed. If they’ve had a long day at work, avoid the subject until the two of you have some quality and time alone, and your partner is fully relaxed.
  • Ask them if they are open to a discussion about different sexual acts that you can bring into the bedroom: This way they can mentally prepare for the conversation, and share some of their fantasies too. You’ll both be more comfortable speaking about sexual fantasies if both parties are equally involved in sharing what they’d like. 
  • Offer to do research with them: This might be a completely new thing for your partner and they’ll need time to adjust and learn about the subject. Offer to answer any questions they might have about pegging and to do research about it together. They might find things they don’t understand that you’ll be able to clear up.
  • Ask them how they feel about it: Don’t just assume that it’s a yes or a no. They might say no because they don’t understand it, ask them to share their feelings about it so that you have a better understanding as to why they’re uncomfortable. It might be something minor that can be sorted out with a few simple rules and a bit of communication. 
  • Talk about a safe word: If you haven’t already, now is the best time to find a safe word. A safeword can be used by either party and when said, stops all sexual acts immediately. If it’s your first time being pegged, you might use it when your partner goes a little too hard, and they might use it if they begin to feel uncomfortable during the act. A safeword should be something you’d not generally say during sex, like “pineapples”, unless of course, you use pineapples during sex. The most important part of intimacy is consent and comfort. Both parties need to be comfortable during the act, and both parties need to consent to the act. 
  • Guide your partner: If your partner agrees to peg, be sure to guide them as to what you want. If it’s their first time, take them with you when buying the essentials and discuss it with them. Ask their thoughts and opinions and explain how the items will be used in the bedroom. If you decide to use a strap-on dildo, help them put it on or even ask their opinion on the color. It will be easier for your partner to adapt if you are there with a helping hand to guide them. 

Following these steps should take the edge off when introducing pegging to your partner.

Pegging Safety:

  • If it is your first time as well as your partners, remember to take it slow. Be sure to read up on how to safely do the act. 
  • Although the thought might thrill you, don’t just jump on the big boys. Size does matter so rather start off small and work your way up. 
  • A good lube will also help smooth things over. 
  • Be sure to use that safe word if you feel too much discomfort or pain.
  • Invest in a good cleaning agent for your pegger or a strap-on dildo, cleaning them after use is very important even if they’re only being used on you.


Pegging can be enjoyable for both you and your partner. It no longer needs to be a taboo subject amongst straight men and can be practiced safely between two consenting adults. 

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